What We Do

Founded in May 2016, EqOpTech, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, promotes Equal Opportunity learning and STEM education through Technology in under-served communities


Our Mission

Our goal is to bridge the digital and education divide by enabling free, equal access to technology and STEM-related education resources in under-served community while inspiring and engaging student volunteers to give back and serve as role models to gain meaningful experiences and leadership skills. 

Be a role model and inspire others to join in on the effort!
— Terence Lee, 2016 Congressional Award Gold Medalist


(1) Level the playing field in education and computer education
(2) Inspire students to serve and give back to make our community a more compassionate and equitable place.
(3) Empower and enable student volunteers
(4) Foster leadership skills and meaningful real life experience
(5) Recognize public service and celebrate volunteerism