Jefferson Award Winner Founded EqOpTech

LOS ALTOS (KPIX 5) Surveys conducted within the last year show more than one in ten California households don’t have access to the internet because many can’t afford a computer. This week’s young Jefferson Award winners is changing that. Read more here.

Jefferson Award Winner Founded EqOpTech

Jefferson Award Winner Founded EqOpTech

“It has been a real pleasure to serve the community,” Lee said. “I sincerely thank all the donors, volunteers, community partners and Bay Area companies for their continuous support.”

Lee noted that a grant from Los Altos Community Foundation supported the work of his nonprofit organization, Equal Opportunity Technology.

“We are most grateful for that,” he said.
Terence Lee (left) receiving his Jefferson Award Medal from Jack Russi, Chairman, Board of Governers, Jefferson Award Foundation, Courtesy of Ashley Cosmi, CBS KPIX

Terence Lee (left) receiving his Jefferson Award Medal from Jack Russi, Chairman, Board of Governers, Jefferson Award Foundation, Courtesy of Ashley Cosmi, CBS KPIX

Our Equal Opportunity Technology program is made possible thanks to Los Altos Community Foundation community grant award.

Visit here for more information.